4 Options You Can Use to Get a $4,000 Bad Credit Loan Now

4 Options You Can Use to Get a $4,000 Bad Credit Loan Now

When you’ve got bad credit, it can seem like the whole world is against you. You hop from lender to lender, asking for what seems like a reasonable amount, only to have them shoot you down. Even though you have explained your situation clearly, they don’t seem to care – your credit is low, so...

How to Get an Apartment With Bad Credit

How to Get an Apartment With Bad Credit

Growing up, it was just me and my mom. Living with her wasn’t bad at all, actually. We got along well, and never really had any issues…even in high school and college. Living with my mom definitely wasn’t one of those scenarios where I was itching to leave, at least, not at first. The only...

Why Having Bad Credit is Better Than No Credit at All

Why Having Bad Credit is Better Than No Credit at All

Having Bad credit versus no credit has been a debate among many people for a while now. Everyone has their own reasoning behind why they feel one is better than the other, but you might find it a little difficult to formulate an opinion on that if you haven’t personally experienced it. I personally have...

Four Alternatives You Can Use to Avoid Bankruptcy

Four Alternatives You Can Use to Avoid Bankruptcy

The writing is on the wall: the debt collectors won’t stop calling the house. Your credit cards are getting declined. The bank sent you a notice that you’ve missed a payment…again. These are all the tell-tale signs that you’ve spiraled into debt, and now, the possibility of bankruptcy is staring you square in the face....

Steps You Can Take When Debtors Won’t Stop Calling

Steps You Can Take When Debtors Won’t Stop Calling

Have you ever experienced a call from a debt collector at any point in your life? I think everyone has. They call you first thing in the morning, and they seem to call you right before you go to bed. It’s almost as though they think you don’t know that you’ve missed a payment, or...

The Consequences of Having Bad Credit

The Consequences of Having Bad Credit

Everyone has experienced bad credit at least once, or at some point in their life. I certainly have. I feel that America wouldn’t be in as much debt as we are, had we been taught early on in life… even as toddlers! You know how they have the little cash register toys out for little...

Three Ways to Get a Loan with a Score Below 600

Three Ways to Get a Loan with a Score Below 600

After declaring bankruptcy, foreclosing a home, or even after opening a line of credit for the first time in your entire life, it can be difficult to take out a loan simply because of your low credit score. When your score is below six hundred, lenders have a hard time placing trust in you that...

Three Ways You Can Get Funds with Poor Credit

Three Ways You Can Get Funds with Poor Credit

Whenever your credit score is on the low side, it can be hard to have all of the money that you need for both daily and unexpected expenses. With that in mind, there are ways that you can get cash fast or pay off your daily debts without lowering your credit score any more than...

Are Loans for People with Bad Credit Safe to Use?

Are Loans for People with Bad Credit Safe to Use?

There are many different types of loans available, and some can especially help people fix their credit and get out of debt quickly. However, with so many lenders on the market, there are some loans that make for better and safer options for people with poor credit than others. You do not ever want to...

Bad Credit: What’s the Best Card for You When Your Score Isn’t Great?

Bad Credit: What’s the Best Card for You When Your Score Isn’t Great?

If you have made some financial mistakes, you might have stained your credit score, and now find yourself unable to get a regular credit card, or you find the cards you do qualify for carrying high interest rates and annual fees. Regardless, you will still need a way to receive funds and make payments. Below...