Your Guide to Building a Strong Credit History

Your Guide to Building a Strong Credit History

Being able to pay cash for everything used to be a great thing a few decades ago. It used to be that a person could just walk onto a car lot, pay in cash, and then take off with a brand new vehicle. It’s not like that anymore though: these days, you need to have...

How to Select A Credit Card For a College Student

How to Select A Credit Card For a College Student

For many high school graduates, the day they leave for college will be one of the most exciting, and most terrifying, days of their lives. They’re eager to start making their own way in the world, make new friends, explore new opportunities that their university offers, and just maybe, explore the party scene, now that...

Four Great New Year’s Resolutions for Better Credit

Four Great New Year’s Resolutions for Better Credit

2018 is quickly coming to an end, and it’s been quite a year. There’s been a fair share of scandals, triumphs, loses, tragedies, and inspirational moments, both public and private, that will set the stage as we prepare to transition into 2019. New Year’s represents, for many, a chance to start over, to let the...

Understanding Credit Checks and How They Impact Your Credit Score

Understanding Credit Checks and How They Impact Your Credit Score

Many people are very unsure and fearful when it comes to their credit score. There’s a wealth of information available on the subject, but often, these sources are saturated with numbers, figures, and terms that you may have never encountered before, let alone understand how they apply to you. It can be very intimidating. This...

Which Type of Credit Card is the Best Fit for My Lifestyle?

Which Type of Credit Card is the Best Fit for My Lifestyle?

In the modern age, going without a credit card is the equivalent of saying you go without eating. It’s possible for a time, but after awhile, it’s going to start breaking you down. Credit is to your financial standing what food is to your body, and the analogy holds true in many different areas. Just...

Four Habits People With High Credit Scores Usually Have

Four Habits People With High Credit Scores Usually Have

Everyone would love to have a higher credit score. It’s one of most important aspects of our financial lives, determining everything from whether or not we’ll qualify for a loan, to what kind of house we can afford, to whether or not we’ll get a competitive interest rate when we buy a new car. With...

What Factors are Used to Calculate my Debt to Income Ratio?

What Factors are Used to Calculate my Debt to Income Ratio?

You may be new to the world of financing, or you may have just never been too aware of what it means, but knowing your DTI, at any given moment, is pretty important for maintaining a balanced financial life. Your DTI, or Debt to Income Ratio, will play a huge factor whenever you try to...

Do You Really Need to Have More Than One Credit Card?

Do You Really Need to Have More Than One Credit Card?

Credits cards have become a staple of life that allow people to afford the things they want and need, whether or not the full amount is necessarily sitting in their bank account when they buy these things. With credit cards, we’ve been able to enjoy purchasing the things we need, without worrying about walking around...

Why It’s Key for Millennials to Focus on Their Credit

Why It’s Key for Millennials to Focus on Their Credit

We as a nation have done an incredible disservice by not properly explaining to young people the importance of credit, and because of that, an entire generation has grown up not understanding the effects of credit, let alone the proper use of it. Millennials are left to fend for themselves without any knowledge of how...

Your Guide to Safely Diversifying Your Credit Portfolio

Your Guide to Safely Diversifying Your Credit Portfolio

If you’ve been independent for awhile, especially when it comes to your finances, you’ve no doubt realized by now that your credit score is instrumental in getting through life. Whether it’s taking out an application for school loans, getting a new credit card, applying to live in an apartment complex, or trying to buy a...